In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

[1-4] The most Merciful (God) has taught this Qur’an.1 He it is Who created man2 and taught him speech.3

[5-9] The sun and the moon adhere to a schedule,4 and the stars5 and the trees, all bow down in worship.6 He raised the heaven high and set the balance.7 Therefore, do not upset the balance: weigh with equity and do not give short weight.8

[10-13] He9 set the earth for all creatures,10 with all kinds of tasty fruits in abundance and palm-trees with sheathed fruit, and a variety of corn with husk as well as grain.11 So, O jinn and men, which of your Lord’s blessings12 will you deny?13

[14-16] He created man from dry, rotten clay like the potter’s,14 and the jinn from the flame of fire.15 So, O jinn and men; which wonders of your Lord’s power16 will you deny?

[17-18] Both the Easts and both the Wests. He is the Lord and Sustainer of all.17 So, O jinn and men, which of your Lord’s powers18 will you deny?

[19-23] He let loose the two seas that they may meet together. Yet there stands between them a barrier which they do not transgress.19 So, O jinn and men, which manifestations of your Lord’s power will you deny? From these seas come out pearls20 and corals.21 So, O jinn and men, which excellences of your Lord’s power will you deny?22

[24-25] And His are the ships23 raised up high like mountains in the sea. So, O jinn and men, which of your Lord’s bounties will you deny?24

[26-30] All25 that exists on the earth shall perish. Only your Lord, possessed of majesty and honor, shall endure for ever. So, O jinn and men, which of your Lord’s excellences will you deny.26 Whosoever is there in the earth and the heavens, implores Him for its needs. Every moment He is in a new (state of) glory.27 So, O jinn and men, which of your Lord’s glories will you deny?

[31-36] O you burdens of the earth,29 We shall soon be free to call you to account.30 (Then We shall see) which of your Lord’s favors you deny.31 O company of jinn and men! If you have the power to escape across the bounds of the earth and the heavens, then escape! You shall not escape, for it requires great power.32 So, O jinn and men, which of your Lord’s powers will you deny? (If you try to escape) a flame of fire and smoke33 shall be let loose upon you, which you will not be able to withstand. O jinn and men, which of your Lord’s powers will you deny?

[37-38] Then (how will it be) when the heaven will burst and redden like red leather?34 O jinn and men, which of your Lord’s powers will you (then) deny?

[39-45] On that Day no man and no jinn will need be asked concerning his sin.36 Then (it will be seen) which of your Lord’s favors you deny.37 The culprits there shall be recognized by their faces and they shall be seized by their forelock and by their feet and dragged. (Then) which of your Lord’s powers will you deny? (At that time it will be said:) “This is the same Hell which the culprits were wont to deny.” They will wander to and fro between the same Hell and the hot boiling water.38 Then, which of your Lord’s powers will you deny?39

[46-53] And for everyone who dreads to stand before his Lord40 there are two gardens.41 O which of your Lord’s blessings will you deny?42 Full of lush green branches. O which of your Lord’s mercies will you deny? In both two springs of running water. O which of your Lord’s blessings will you deny? In both there will be two kinds of every fruit.43 O which of your Lord’s blessings will you deny?

[54-59] The dwellers of Paradise shall be reclining on carpets lined with thick silk,44 and the branches of the gardens will be hanging down (on them) with fruit. O which of your Lord’s blessings will you deny? Amidst these blessings will be those of bashful looks,45 whom neither man nor jinn will have touched before them.46 O which of your Lord’s bounties will you deny? As beautiful as rubies and pearls. O which of your Lord’s bounties will you deny?

[60-77] Could the reward of goodness be anything but goodness?47 Then, O jinn and men, which of your Lord’s praiseworthy attributes will you deny?48 And besides those two, there will be two other gardens.49 O which of your Lord’s bounties will you deny? Dark-green and well-watered.50 O which of your Lord’s blessings will you deny? In both two gushing springs. O which of your Lord’s favors will you Deny ? In them plenty of fruit, and dates and pomegranates. O which of your Lord’s blessings will you deny? Amidst these blessings chaste and beautiful wives. O which of your Lord’s bounties will you deny? Houris kept in their tents.51 O which of your Lord’s blessings will you deny? No man or jinn will have touched them before them. O which of your Lord’s blessings will you deny? They will be reclining on green cushions and fine, rich carpets.52 O which of your Lord’s bounties will you deny?

[78] Full of blessings is the name of your Lord, Owner of Glory and Honor!